dental restorations
Unidental crowns
Unidental crowns are dental works that apply to a single tooth and are recommended for fractured teeth with large inlays (obturation), for devital teeth or teeth with atypical colors. They restore the shape, color, and function of that tooth or they help satisfy those patients that are not happy with the aesthetics and shape of their teeth.
They may be made of several materials such as whole ceramics, ceramics on different metals or metal-acrylic or composite crowns.
Dental bridges
Prosthetic works that are applied to the neighboring teeth in an area with missing teeth. These teeth are prepared and imprinted to render a faithful pattern that the technician will use to restore the shape of the missing teeth in relation to the opposite arch.
Any extraction has repercussions on the neighboring teeth. These move in time and tend to incline towards the free area.
Dental bridges are set by cementation, restoring the edentate area both from the functional and from the aesthetic point of view (metal-ceramic works).
Dental prostheses
Dental prostheses may be of 3 types: full acrylic prostheses, skeletal prostheses, and prostheses on special systems applied on dental implants.
Full acrylic prostheses are used in case of a patient who lacks all the teeth. The prostheses replace the teeth, thus restoring the support for the cheek and lip muscles, giving patients a complete smile and a rejuvenated face. The support of full acrylic prostheses is exclusive on the mucosa covering the bone where the teeth used to be.
Skeletal prostheses are indicated where there is a certain number of teeth on the arches. Skeletal prostheses are made of a fixed part and a mobile part. There is a fixed part of the work that is applied to the existing teeth, containing special clamping elements for the mobile part of the work. The patient experiences greater comfort with skeletal prostheses due to the existence of both dental and mucosal support.
Prostheses applied to dental implants. If patients wish for a fixed or mobile work and there is no tooth left, then implantology may be used to introduce a number of 3 – 4 dental implants which, after the bone integration period of implants, have special systems on which a perfectly adapted prosthesis is made, the comfort felt being the same or better than with skeletal prostheses.
Skeletal prostheses
Skeletal prostheses are indicated where there is a certain number of teeth on the arches. Skeletal prostheses are made of a fixed part and a mobile part. There is a fixed part of the work that is applied to the existing teeth, containing special clamping elements for the mobile part of the work. The patient experiences greater comfort with skeletal prostheses due to the existence of both a dental and a mucosal support.
Full acrylic prostheses
Full acrylic prostheses are used in case of a patient who lacks all the teeth. The prostheses replace the teeth, thus restoring the support for the cheek and lip muscles, giving patients a complete smile and a rejuvenated face. The support of full acrylic prostheses is exclusive on the mucosa covering the bone where the teeth used to be.
Prostheses applied to dental implants
If patients wish for a fixed or mobile work and there is no tooth left, then implantology may be used to introduce a number of 3 – 4 dental implants which, after the bone integration period of implants, have special systems on which a perfectly adapted prosthesis is made, the comfort felt being the same or better than with skeletal prostheses.
Monday – Thursday | 9:00 – 20:00 |
Friday | 9:00 – 17:00 |